Friday, August 7, 2015

Life with algebra 

Article Summary: "Mathematics is one of the first things you learn in life. Even as a baby you learn to count. Starting from that tiny age you will start to learn how to use building blocks how to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. All of these things are important preparation to doing algebra."

                                                                                To be honest I didn't know that Algebra is very important in our life
here's 1 example why Algebra is really important Without Algebra the bridges will not be that stable or solid.

and its possible that if people didn't know algebra the bridges wouldn't be existing.
Algebra is used in making bridges and Buildings

 Math is one of the first things you learn in life. Even as a baby you learn to count. Starting from that tiny age you will start to learn how to use building blocks how to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. All of these things are important preparation to doing algebra.

Every day life

Without algebra we will not know the distance we traveled.

without algebra we will not know how tall a building is.

without algebra buildings will  collapse because it should be measured and the sides should be equal so that it will be stable. 

Fun Fact:

Mathematics is one of the first things we learn in life.


Having the ability and knowledge to do algebra will determine whether you will take the short cut or the detour in the road of life. In other words, ample opportunities or career choices to decide from or limited positions with a low annual income.

  Here's a short video for you